September 2024 Service Rota

1st SeptemberSuzy Britton
All Together
10 am

     Steve Burgess
Morning Worship
10 am
Elaine Jones
Holy Communion
10 am
Omar Begg
6:30 pm
8th September  Elaine Jones
Morning Worship
10 am
Café Church
10 am
         Omar Begg
Morning Worship
10 am
Steve Britton
Holy Communion
8:45 am   
15th September TBC
Morning Worship
10 am
Philip Rowe
Holy Communion
10 am
 Elaine Jones
Café Service
10 am
22nd SeptemberElaine Jones
Community Church
All age worship
Baptism Service
10 am
Steve Britton
Holy Communion
10 am
29th September
Elaine Jones
Joint service all churches
Holy Communion
10 am 
Notes: Readings are taken from the “related” lectionary for the year. Use of the “continuous” readings normally just changes the O T reading.
Leaders may also wish to use their own personal choice of readings. Any change, let the readers and intercessors know.